First day of class

Wednesday Nov 1

Today was the first day of class after completing the vestibule (or the trial period before the actual course). We were all excited to see each other again and to meet our new instructor Kurt. We got straight to learning our next language. Today’s focus is getting introduced to HTML and CSS. HTML which stands for hyper text markup language is a little different then processing. Processing or the language we were writing in during the vestibule is a programming language or one that controls how the computer does things. HTML is a markup language so it’s a little different because in my understanding it doesn’t really tell the computer what to do but how to display information. Also instead of commands it has something called tags that look like this <p>. After our introduction to HTML I’m feeling excited to learn more.

Final Project

Tomorrow is our final project. We’ve been working on it all day today. I started class by watching some of Daniel Shiffman’s videos as a refresher. I wanted to make sure I got the core concepts down. Professor D warned us not to bite off more than we can chew because it’s very easy to become over ambitious when the time constraint doesn’t allow it. My initial idea was very simple. I wanted to make an “operation-style” maze game. Basically you have to trace your mouse around a path without touching the sides or it’ll buzz and you’ll lose. It seemed simple enough. Especially since we already learned how to implement if then statements. However two hours in I was still watching videos and I still haven’t designed a maze. I had a few squares but it made the game easier. I was spending too much time on the project so i decided to move to something else. I thought long and hard about what I could do. There were so many options. I eventually had a vague idea of something Halloween related. Maybe I can make an interactive haunted house. Where you press a window from the outside and something pops out like a ghost or a zombie. Again I already started being over ambitious, so I decided to break my goal into smaller manageable steps. First let me design the most basic part of the program, say a ghoul or ghost. Once I make it from there I should be able to manage it and make it move. I experimented with many different shapes to make the ghosts body, I picked an arc because I was going for a pacman ghost kinda shape. However I soon found out that making the arc curve in the right way took too much time and too much trial and error since time was limited I decided to look for a more easier to manage shape. I went for a circle but it looked way too plain. I finally remembered that a square could be made more rounded so I decided to go for that. I wanted it to look like the ghost from the Waze app or the Boo diddly ghost from super mario bros. After playing with the parameters I finally found a shape I liked. I added triangle eyes and eyebrows and a mouth. I finally got the basic step done, and what that took only..huh an hour!? oh boy I better pace myself. After watching some videos I finally was able to get the ghost to move however only the body moved and the face stayed stationary. A little more trial and error and I eventually got the face to move. I wanted to design other monsters like a zombie that would pace slowly in the background and once it reached one end of the screen it would turn around and walk to the other end. I tried designing the zombie but I spent over 20 minutes on the head so I decided to scrap that idea out. It seemed I was not able to make the haunted house I wanted, I had to keep it REALLY simple. So since the ghost worked well I decided to add another one, except I didn’t fix my code to adjust to the new ghost and he ended up moving backwards oh no! No worries I realized that since the first ghost was moving by increments of 1 I decided to make the other ghost -1 so it moves the opposite direction the first ghost was moving. Since I couldn’t add a haunted house I wanted to go for something more simple, initially I went for a grave yard and tried to design some tombstone but that even took along time. I decided to settle on pumpkins. So I made a bunch of pumpkins, added a night background that I borrowed from professorD’s exercise, I tweaked it a bit to fit the canvas and made some stars twinkle by adding the random function. I liked the random function so I looked for what else I could add to. I decided to make a giant “king” pumpkin, and make his eyes glow, it looked pretty cool. Too finish it off I added a “Happy Halloween” to make it more festive. I was so glad I was finally done, I felt so accomplished. This project made me see programs in a totally different light, if a simple pumpkin animation took so long imagine all the craftsmanship and skill that goes to developing say an app or a video game! I really enjoyed this project and it really made me think of creative ways to get around challenges.

My Motivational Success Board:


A photographer used a long exposure to capture the star trails in the night sky over a camp in Altyn-Emel national park, Kazakhstan.


“All of life is the study of attention: where your attention goes, your life follows.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

“By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail”- Benjamin Franklin

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”- Thomas Edison

My goal within the TechHire program is to learn as much as I can to become a skilled programmer. Programming has helped me to be more detail-oriented then before and to think much more analytically.

My Motivation: Or why do I want to become a Web Developer. What makes me wake up early in the morning and learn how to code. Also why completing the program successfully is important to me.

1-Becoming an innovator/creator- For the majority of my life I was a consumer. I enjoy being able to create something that I can give to the world, whether it’s a website, a game or any other piece of software.

2-Being part of a bigger mission- A big chunk of my work experience involved doing work that could easily be done by anyone regardless of skill, whether it was food delivery, a waiter or a cashier.  Being a developer in a team with a mission in mind makes me feel like I have meaning in my life and that I will be of value to a company.

3-Being held accountable by my family and friends-I pretty much told all my immediate family and friends about TechHire. I couldn’t shut up about the course and how badly I wanted to become a developer. I’m not all talk so I cannot quit under any circumstances.

4-Proving to myself that I can- Programming is challenging, that’s why I feel so accomplished when I finally figure out what one line of code does. It makes me want to learn more.


My Resources: Here are some resources I use to keep me on course.

Time management: My favorite book on time management is the classic Getting Things Done by David Allen. It’s one of the best methods in my opinion in tackling procrastination. It has helped me a lot. I also found a funny summary of the core concepts of Allen’s book that was really helpful.

I also want to try time management apps like beeminder and rescuetime.

I also recommend Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson for tips on getting better sleep ( I need all the help)  and Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy for dealing with procrastination.

Classmates: I’ve spoken to Jessica, Altafur, Zein and few other classmates about meeting at LaGuardia to study and practice. Since I was a LaGuardia student last semester I can get access to the study rooms if I have more than three people. Each study group gets a laptop and tv screen that is linked to the internet.

Financial support-My parents support me by cooking so I don’t have to eat out. My older brother is going to support me by getting a laptop for the future portion and my older sister supports me by giving me some financial aid since I’m not working as much and helping with my time management. I am truly grateful for having such a supporting and loving family.



TechHire Assessment (aka final exam)

     System, Environment

  1. What is Processing?

Processing is a programming language created by two programmers that caters more to artistic audience or any audience that hasn’t been exposed to coding before.

  1. What does IDE stand for? Describe its components.

IDE stands for integrated development environment. My understanding is that before you had to download each part of the IDE separately but the IDE conveniently has a debugger (which points out errors in code), an editor (the place where you write your code) and compiler (which transforms your code into “machine speak” so your computer can understand it) all in one.


  1. What is a mode in Processing? Which is the default mode?

My understanding is that Processing can be built on other languages so the program you create can work on different platforms. If you look at the top right of your Processing console you’ll see the default mode is Java, but you can also download other modes.

  1. How do you save a file in Processing? What convention might you use?

If you’re on a Mac you can type shift, command and S to “save as”. Some conventions include: never start the title with a number because the sketchbook won’t be able to find. Use camel case which means you write the first word of the title in lowercase and the first letter of the other words in uppercase, kindaLikeThis.

  1. How do you export a Processing file?

You would go to File and go down to “export application”. On a Mac you can do shift, command and E to go directly.

  1. What is a library? How do you access and use a library in Processing?

  1. Where is the color picker in the Processing IDE?

       You click on Tools and click on color selector.

  1. What do the circle, triangle and square shapes across the top of the Processing editor represent?

I guess by circle you mean the button with the weird butterfly on it, that goes line by line of your code to find any “bugs” or errors. The triangle is to run the editor, so it goes line by line and the square is to stop that process.

  1. How do you add and name an additional or new tab in the Processing editor?

When you open your editor under the triangle and square button is the title of the sketch, usually just sketch and the date if it’s a brand new sketch. Next to it is a triangle pointing down, click on it and select “new tab” for a new tab and there you can add a name.

  1. Describe the coordinate system in Processing.

The coordinate system in Processing is similar to the Cartesian coordinate system we learned in high school geometry with an X and Y axis except point (0,0) doesn’t start at the bottom left corner but at the top left. Also I believe technically there are no “negatives” the negative sign just means you’re going back left a coordinate in Processing.

  1. What is the difference between an active and static sketch? Use code to demonstrate your response

A static sketch is one that isn’t interactive and doesn’t move like this:

fill(255, 35, 125);  

ellipse(250, 175, 50, 50);

It doesn’t include setup() or draw()

An active sketch is one that incorporates setup() or draw() and i usually interactive and moves.

void setup() {



void draw() {

fill(255, 35, 125);  

ellipse(250, 175, 50, 50);


  1. What is the general syntax and structure for a line of code? Use code to demonstrate your response.

The general syntax for a line is usually a data type, a function and variables. The spacing should be consistent and make sure to add a semicolon and don’t forget parenthesis and curly brackets where needed. Here’s an example:

Void draw()  {

  1. What is the general syntax and structure for a block of code? Use code to demonstrate your response.

General syntax is the same for the line of code. Also it’s good to indent the code that goes inside the function like this.

void setup();



 Why are certain words in different colors in the Processing editor?

Words that turn into different colors like the word void or height means a specific function that is built into Processing is assigned to that word.

  1. What is a system or reserved word in Processing? Give an example.

I reserved word is a word that you cannot used because it’s assigned already to a function in the Processing language for example the word size. Size() tells you how big the canvas is going to be.

  1. How does order matter in Processing. Give an example demonstrated with code.

Order matters because when you execute the code, it goes line by line from top to bottom. So code that is above another line of code will influence it differently if it were on the bottom. For example:


ellipse(22, 45, 20, 20);

rect(75, 36, 15, 15);

Makes both shapes red but

ellipse(22, 45, 20, 20);


rect(75, 36, 15, 15);

Makes only the square red.

  1. What is the difference between mousePressed and mousePressed()? Use code to demonstrate your response.

  1. What called function must always be first in setup()?

After Setup() is typed the next line should be size() which determines the canvas size. You need to know the size before you can start drawing. Also the function void should also be included before setup() so the program knows it doesn’t have to return anything.

  1. What is the difference between an inline comment and a block or multi-line comment? Use code to demonstrate your response.

An inline comment is one where just a line is a comment and the program doesn’t read it. A multi-line comment is more than one line of comment.

//This is an inline comment

/* This right here that I am typing

on this website right now is multi

line comment */

  1. Does whitespace matter in Processing? Capitalization? Use code to demonstrate your response

Whitespace and capitalization matters in Processing because it changes how the editor reads a line of code. For example if you type Void setup() the editor will not recognize it and you’ll get an error but if you type void setup() the word void will turn green because that refers to the function already built into processing. Also let’s say you assign the number 100 to a word like “birthday” if later you want to call that variable you won’t get the number 100 if you type Birthday, with a capital letter.

Variables, Operators, Logic

  1. What is a variable? What is a data type? What is a value?

My understanding is that a value  is the representation of some entity that can be manipulated by a program. So the 1s and 0s that make the data.This is what the computer understands. A variable is something that temporarily stores a value so you the user can better understand, For example myBirthday = 22, myBirthday is a variable that for at the moment holds the number 22. In processing there are different information you can give to variables so this has to be stated with the right data type or type of data. Int is for whole numbers, boolean is for true or false, float is for decimal numbers, etc.

  1. What is the difference between a system variable and one that you define? Use code to demonstrate your response.

Like the name suggests a system variable is one where a value is already been assigned to it and is part of the Processing program. I believe you can technically change it but it’s a little more difficult. The variable you define is one you assign a value to and can be changed easily. For example width, is a system variable, it stores the width of the display window. If you type it in Processing the program will understand what you mean.  The variable xCo for the x coordinate will in turn be read as error because you haven’t defined it. So you would have to type something like int xCo = 20 for the program to understand, but YOU are the one picking the value as oppose to the value already been defined before

  1. What is scope and how does it impact code? Use code to demonstrate your response.

There are two types of scopes relating to variables. There’s “global” and “local”. If you have a function and within that function you declare a variable, that is a local variable, the program will only understand it when is within that function, if you use a local variable outside the function it’ll come back as error. A global variable is declared outside all functions so all other functions have “global” access to it.

float rCol = 255;

float gCol = 255;

float bCol = 255;

float speed = 1;

float offset = 125;

//speed, rCol and every word after float is a global variable here

void setup() {

 int R = 160;

 int G = 50;

 int B = 80;

//int R,G,B are local variables because they’re inside the void setup() function

 size(600, 400);



  1. What does it mean to declare, initialize and use a variable? Use code to demonstrate your response.

Declaring a variable means to assign the right data type (for example float, int, boolean etc). Initialize means to give the variable a value. Using means you use the variable to call the value that is assigned to it, in a line of code.

For example int red is declaring variable. int red = 200 is initialization. background(red, blue, green); is calling or using the variable, in this case the variable red.

  1. What happens when a variable is attempted to be accessed outside of its scope?
  2. What happens when a variable is declared globally, but is not used?

The variable will be there but it won’t be used it’ll just be floating there.

  1. What value does float nums; have?
  2. What are operators in Processing? Use code to demonstrate your response using at least one operator.
  3. What is a boolean data type?

boolean is a data type (like char, float, int) for boolean statements so if something is true or false.

  1. List three primitive data types.

boolean, char and float

  1. Write a code example that increments a value by 5.
  1. Describe the order of operations for: x = speed * 40;
  2. Write a code example that decreases a value by one using shorthand.
  3. What does the logical operator ! do?

The exclamation mark is the logical not used in boolean. So if something is false it makes it true and if something is true it makes it false.

Control, Iteration, Structure

  1. What is an if statement? When should it be used? Use code to describe its syntax.

An if statement is a line of code that helps the program make a decision on which code to execute. For example if something is true it executes one line if something is false nothing will happen . It’s best used when you want  more than one result . This allows the program to have different paths. An example is  

void setup() {

  size(600, 400);



void draw() {

  if (mousePressed) {

    background(200, 50, 50);



  1. How many ifs can be used in an if statement?

You can have unlimited if statements. You can write a line with an if statement and underneath write another one.  

  1. What is the difference between else and else if? Use code to demonstrate your response.
  1. What is the difference between code with several consecutive if statements and code with several else if statements?
  2. What is a while loop? When should it be used? Use code to describe its syntax.
  3. What is a for loop? When should it be used? Use code to describe its syntax.
  4. Write code that uses a nested for loop to draw a grid of squares across the x and y axis of a canvas.


  1. What is a function?

A function is a group of rules set to perform a task.

  1. What is the difference between a function or method built into Processing and one that you define?

A built in function is one that comes with processing. You can call it by typing the variable that the function is assigned to. So for example size() is a built in function, you would just have to include the parameters. A function you define is one where you set a list of things you want the computer to do and assign it to a variable that you can call upon later.

  1. What does the keyword void mean?

The word void when placed before a function means that the function will not return a value.

  1. What does the keyword return mean?

The keyword return states that a value

  1. Write code that uses the keyword return.
  2. Write code that used a defined function (by the user) and call or use it.

Defined by user means you define the function or what goes in between the curly brackets. An example would be

int x = 0;

int y = width/2;

int xspeed = 2;

int diam = 30;

void setup() {

 size(600, 400);


void draw() {


 move(); // call the defined move() function.

 display(); // call the defined display() function.


// defined functions

void move() {

 x = x + xspeed;


void display() {



 rect(x, y, diam, diam);


  1.  What is the distinction between function and method?
  2. What is the distinction between argument and parameter?
  3. What do the () in a function call or definition indicate?

The parenthesis is where you include the parameters or the variables that the function attached to the parenthesis will  “plug in”.

  1. What will happen if you call an undefined function?

You will get an error saying “blank” function does not exist or is not defined.

  1. What will happen if you define a function, but do not call or use it?

It will just float there and waste space. The editor might alert you that its not being used.

  1. What concept are functions useful for?

Functions are useful for you the user. Since you can assign them to any variable you can call it anything. So instead of

Objects/Classes, Arrays

  1. What is an object?
  1. What data type is an object?
  2. What concept are objects, classes and arrays useful for?
  3. What is the difference between an object and a class? Use code to demonstrate your response.
  4. What is dot syntax? Use code to demonstrate your response.
  5. What is the keyword new used for?
  6. What is a constructor? Where and when is it used? Use code to demonstrate your response.
  7. Organize original code to include the main program in one tab and a class in another. Use in-line

comments to walkthrough code.

  1. What is an array?
  2. What notation is used to denote an array?
  3. How do data types impact arrays?
  4. What is an index?
  5. Write code that declares, initializes and accesses elements in an array. Use comments to walkthrough code.
  6. List two or three functions that can be called on an array. Describe how they manipulate the array.

Tech Impact Week Two: Day Two

The first half of today was all about networking. We all created a Linkedin if we didn’t have one or if we had one we updated it. We all added each other and practiced how to ask a stranger for their Linkedin. This got me thinking on what to add on to my profile. I have a lot of experience but it’s mostly non coding stuff.  I decided to add the non coding stuff and gradually as I get more web development experience to minimize the other stuff, since my main focus right now is web development. We also learned about a website called Meetup, although I have used it before it was mostly for social events. I really look forward to going to upcoming coding meetups.  After our lunch break we presented our homework assignments. I had trouble with some of the homework but after watching some of my class present I realized we all had trouble with similar things but were able to come around it. We were then put into groups and asked to come up with something in less than 30 minutes. At first I believed it wasn’t enough time but then I realized that was the point, given limited time and resources how would you manage everything and go about it? I was paired up with Johnathan and Daniel. Daniel had already worked on some code but he still wasn’t satisfied, so we worked on his code, taking a fresh new approach. The goal being to create a “slo-mo” effect with one of the moving images he had created. After 15 minutes we were asked to switch roles and work on something different. So Daniel and I worked with Johnathan. I had told Johnathan earlier that my issue was that I wanted to make different shapes bounce around the screen but so far I was only able to do it with a circle. So we all played with the code trying to make different shapes meet up at the center and “bounce off”. We weren’t able to get exactly what we wanted but that was okay because we at least got the shapes to move around the screen, we were getting there. ProfessorD asked all the teams to present. I was amazed and proud. Given the amount of time, we were still able to come up with some really cool projects. After class I went back to the school library, I still was uncertain about some concepts so I reread the Processing references. I also did the processingA2Z file all over again. The file includes fourteen exercises that professorD created, basically you download it and run it on Processing and see what each file does. The one in particular that help me a lot was interactionEvents_Follow but I’ll go into more detail in another post.

Week Two: Day One

Today we watched a lot of inspirational videos for the career development portion of the class. The one that really inspired me though was about a man named Richie Parker. Richie Parker was born without any arms but he didn’t let that stop him. He worked around the obstacles of everyday life by coming up with creative ways to do things. For example to open the fridge he tied a rope around the handle so he can loop it around his shoulders and pull it open. He even learned how to ride a bike by having his father make the handle bars long enough so he could move them with his shoulders. But the most inspirational part was that he became a engineer for NASCAR. He used his feet to type on the keyboard and manipulate the 3D models on the computer. To me this was extremely motivating. It reminded me of the popular Henry Ford quote:  “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” Richie Parker didn’t see him not having arms as a handicap he just saw it as something he needed to work around. He was still able to achieve his goals. This all made me reassure myself, no matter what happens I will pursue programming with my end goal of becoming a skilled programmer. I got this and the only thing stopping me is psychological because especially in coding, you can always find the answer you just have to keep looking, there are forums, books, websites, videos and peers who can help so being stuck is not an excuse.

Later in our class with professorD we learned about functions, objects and arrays. It all was pretty straight forward especially since I watched some of Daniel Shiffman’s videos on the same topics, however what was a little tricky was implementing it into actual code. That was our homework assignment for next day, to implement what we learned in class on objects and arrays into our older versions of code. It was going to be challenging but worth it. As was said by our instructors again and again, you can’t just read code and watch videos and believe you’re a programmer you actually have to write code over and over until it sticks.

First Hackathon!

Today was a very special day. It was my first day ever going to a hackathon. I’ve been to tech events before but I heard a hackathon is a totally different animal. As soon as class was over I bolted out so I could arrive to the hackathon on time. Today’s hackathon was being hosted by Illicit Minds a really cool organization, you can check them out here. The topic of the event was artificial intelligence and virtual reality.  The event had some guests speakers to talk about the new innovations in the artificial intelligence field. I arrived and was greeted by my classmates Lance and Jessica who had arrived a little earlier. They introduced me to a couple of people they had networked with and we all began discussing our experiences with web development. Later Daniel, Altafur, Richard, Zein and a few other classmates joined us. The atmosphere was very relaxed so it was easy to speak to all the attendees. Daniel and I spoke to a student (I forgot her name, rule one of networking always remember names!) from Cornell. She told us that she was majoring in computer science and that this was her first hackathon also. She complimented us and the web development program we were in stating that we probably had more real experience then she did because her courses were mainly theoretical and not enough hands-on. This made me feel appreciative and lucky to be in the techimpact program.  We talked for another 15 minutes until we were all interrupted by the arrival of freshly baked pizza. We all rushed to grab a slice and were then invited to sit down for the guest speakers. We had three guests speakers all with different backgrounds. The first speaker introduced himself as Michael McNair.  He’s an entrepreneur and virtual reality enthusiast. He gave us good tips on how to hack our facebooks suggestions algorithm so we can only get tech related stuff in our newsfeed, pretty neat. The next two speakers (also forgot their names, darn with the names!) talked about their respective fields and how artificial intelligence influences them. It was all really interesting and it got be more curious about artificial intelligence, When the speakers were done we had a quick Q&A . Next came the big event, the actual hackathon. The plan was to form a team of no less then five people and develop some kind of program that will help people in any way. We were all thrilled but decided to watch instead. We saw some groups come up with some really great ideas and we got to see a little of the planning process. Eventually it got late so we all decided to go except for Lance and Richard. Richard ended up staying the full 24 hours, and he even came second place! All in all I had a great time from my first hackathon and I look forward to attending a next one with the goal of participating.

First Hackathon!
Coding Crew


The Speakers
It ain’t a Hackathon if there ain’t pizza!

Tech Impact: Career Development

The purpose of the Tech Impact program is to become great web developers however a large chunk also involves career development. As we learned in the beginning of the career development class, what good is it to learn all the skills of a web developer when you cannot advertise those skills to employers? Also what good is it when you do not know your end goal when searching for job opportunities? In the past few days we’ve been learning how to do just that. The first two days we learned a little more about the field of web development. Learning the differences between a front end and a back end developer, for example, or the different types of software developers out there. All of this helps zone in on what type of position we might apply for, it was all really helpful. We also did some exercises to clarify our job-searching goals. For example imagining what type of job we will land after finishing the tech impact program and what kind of challenges we might face. Another exercise involved taking a test to see what type of personality traits we have that relates to different careers.

coding image 2
One of our thought exercises was to imagine our first job. How would your first tech job be?

What helped me the most, however, was when we spent the whole beginning of class searching online for what positions are out there. We were given a variety of websites to help us with our searching (my personal favorite being: glassdoor, dice and uncubed). The purpose was to measure the skills we were going to obtain in the program versus the skills that the positions called for. This put our goals into perspective and made us think realistically about what to expect for our first job. Through my job searching I came across a ton of job postings that made me realize what I wanted in my first job. I decided to divide those traits into three categories, which are: company mission, career growth and work-life balance. I’ll expand more on each one. Company mission to me is very important, that being what problem a company is trying to solve or how the company is trying to make the world a better place. If an employee is not interested in the mission of the company how will they give them their 100%.  The second trait is career growth. I want a company that offers good growth opportunities, for example training on new technologies or training for different positions. I enjoy learning new things which is why I consider this trait important. The final trait is work-life balance which basically means having time to recharge and have time for family, friends and hobbies.

steve jobs 2
It’s good to set realistic goals. Will you be the next Steve Jobs? Maybe not…yet

I used these traits to help me sort through the multiple job postings and I was able to find three good matches. All three matches are vastly different but I would still enjoy working in any of them.  My first match is Lingvist. Lingvist is a language learning app and website. I’ve used it multiple times and believe it’s one of the best free language learning apps out there (sorry Duolingo). Since I have a passion for language learning this seemed like a perfect fit. However one big obstacle is that they currently aren’t hiring web developers but if they were I would certainly jump on it. The second company I saw that I liked was Squarespace. Squarespace is big website building and blogging platform company. One thing that attracted me the most is that the requirements they ask for are EXACTLY what will be covered in the Tech Impact program. The requirements include being proficient in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. They also have some pretty neat perks.  Which include getting two free websites to pursue creative passions and side hustles, flexible vacations and donation matching where if you donate money to an organization, Squarespace adds the same amount so you end up donating double, that’s pretty cool.  A minor obstacle is that Squarespace requires to have some past web design experience with having made at least three websites but once I improve my web development skills I can start making websites.  Another company that I was interested in is HelloFresh. HelloFresh is a food service company that sends ingredients to customers so they can cook their own meals. I thought the idea was pretty interesting and considered trying the app myself. Like Squarespace, HelloFresh asks for devevlopers fluent in Javascript, HTML and CSS. They also have good career growth opportunities by exposing employees to emerging technology. I guess the main obstacles with all jobs is having zero experience. To me the best way to tackle that challenge is to get building immediately, as soon as I learn the skills, thus being able to build a bigger and bigger portfolio. Exploring the current job market helped me to organize my goals in finding the perfect fit in a job as a web developer. In addition I’ve also found really good books on job searching. My two favorites is the classic What Color Is Your Parachute ? by Richard Bolles and 80,000 hours by Benjamin Todd. With these tools I’m pretty confident in my future, I also look forward to the rest of the career development classes.

programmer top
Where will your job search take you?





Week one: Day Five

Today class was structured a little differently. Instead of our typical six hour class with the first half being career development and the second half being coding. We only had the first half and it was coding all day.  We worked on some code from last night’s assignment. Then class ended at 12:00PM. However professorD decided to stay for the second half to give a refresher for anyone who was still a little unsure with the topics already covered. I was pretty confident but decided to stay because I wanted to solidify my understanding even more and I was glad I did, we went back from the very first day of class an covered everything from what a variable is all the way to the next lesson that will be on Monday which is objects and arrays. After the four hour refresher there was an option to stay for even more review but even though I wanted to stay I had a Hackathon to go to, I packed my stuff and to the Hackathon it was..

Week One: Day Four

Today we did a lot of research for the career development portion. Our individual assignment was to look up companies we would be interested in applying to after successfully completing the web development program. We were to compare what skills the positions called for and what skills we were to obtain or currently had. Since this is my first time going into programming I did not have any prior technical or coding skills. I had learned some Ruby on codecademy but nothing too profound. I did however have previous work experience.  So there were a few transferable skills I can take with me to any position. It was also funny to see companies I’ve worked for in the past but now I’m looking at them in a new light. For example I use to work for Postmates (a food delivery company) as a courier. I would deliver food to customers on my bike, one day we had  a big company event so I got to see the higher ups and the web developers that would keep the app running. I remember back then, maybe a couple years back, thinking “wow, that team looks so fun they probably enjoy their jobs more than us couriers just delivering food and merchandise”. Fast forward and now I’m here scrolling down their page for web developer. There were so many good companies to choose from but I had to narrow it down so I had to get rid of some choices that didn’t seem too realistic at the moment (sorry, IBM). I also looked for companies were I either was strongly passionate or very curious about the companies mission. I found two that looked very possible and realistic. The first being HelloFresh and the second being SquareSpace. Both asked for skills that we were going to learn and both were looking for web developers. I also read what their company was trying to do and I can easily see myself being part of their team. I gained a lot from this assignment and to be personally it was  the most helpful. The lesson being you should always be searching for opportunities on your spare time and comparing what skills you have and what skills you can obtain in the future. As one of my classmates said,  sometimes the jobs you get hired for and end up loving aren’t even out there in the job market but if you sell yourself and convince people with the power to hire you they will open up a position for you. Afterwards in the programming portion we talked about our coding challenge. The challenge included commenting and modifying 14 different sets of code. I feel like this helped a lot. By tinkering with the code I was able to find out what controls what. I believe 60% of the time is tinkering with the code and the rest is actually writing the code.